2017年3月19日 星期日

Traveler's Notebook Spread Share / 魔力手作挑戰 #27 吃吃喝喝

Hello there, I hope you are all doing well. The weather has been so changeable these days in Taiwan. So girls, take care of yourselves. Today I will be sharing a traveler's notebook spread. It happens to fit the this month's More Hand Made Challenge. It's a good start for me to take participate in the challenge again.

Created by SummerCraftingFun

Just not long ago I decided to keep my memory in a traveler's notebook this year. I'm not a traditional scrapbooker or documenter, I mean I don't scrapbook 12x12 layouts, pocket pages, or even project life. I enjoy watching people's scrapbook/project life process videos, reading their blog, giving a heart to their new feeds on Instagram...., but somehow I feel overwhelming to spend a chunk of time documenting what happens in my life "daily". I don't feel like I can do this until I saw Sarah Zayas' project. (link here)

Created by SummerCraftingFun

Created by SummerCraftingFun

She did a project called "30 days of Gratitude" (link here). She used almost a photo per page with only a few materials to do this 30 days project. She titled every page with a big bold alphabet stamp set and did a few journaling to which/whom she's thankful for. I love how she keeps it so simple and easy and clean. 

A photo with a few words? I think I can do it. 

I was so inspired by Sarah's beautiful project that I decided I want to give it a try of documenting something about me. What's not shown on photos is I added a few words before every title. I added "I recommend...., I have...., I went to...., I read...." and so on, to make the title more connected with "me". 

I want to make it small and keep it simple as possible as I can. And I hope I could share this project more in the future.

Thank you for stopping by and have a nice weekend.



Stamp: Southport Alphabet, Food Comma, Outline Alphabet (all from Kelly Purkey)
Ink: Jet Black Archival Ink (by Ranger), Aqua Mist, Lemon Tart, Vintage Jadeite, Bright Buttercup, Pale Peony and Stormy Sea (all from PTI)
Others: LG Pocket Printer, washi tape (MT), Traveler's Notebook 03#


Hello, 又到了一月一次的魔力手作挑戰,第27號挑戰的題目是吃吃喝喝。

人生以吃為目的(?),這麼有意義的挑戰怎能不參加呢? 之前說過我有好長一段時間沒甚麼創作的靈感,所以去年的挑戰沒有全程參與,直到今年才陸陸續續有了作品,但也仍多是卡片或多媒材的創作。我一直不曾嘗試過相簿美編或是project life的領域,主要是因為不習慣將生活中的大小事用這種方式記錄下來,尤其是"把自己拍進照片中,並且記述照片中的故事"這件事,我有一種心理障礙(不知道有沒有人懂這種感覺),也覺得每天或每周記錄這些照片太花時間了,所以沒想過將手伸過去試試,直到我在網路上看到某一個作品。我當下有醍醐灌頂的感覺,簡直就像打通了人督二脈,整個人都得到昇華了~~~XD

一張照片佐以簡單的蓋印和簡短幾句話的形式看起來似乎也沒什麼複雜困難啊~~雖然12x12"的美編也是差不多的元素,但是因為是用TN來作為美編的主體,面積小很多啊~~ 因為實在太喜歡這個作品,所以決定要參考Sarah(原創者,鏈接在這)的模式玩玩看,創作一本關於自己的紀錄。

Created by SummerCraftingFun

照片上沒有拍到的部份是我後來在大標題之上加上了我思,我喜歡, 我推薦, 我去過, 我閱讀.....等等字眼,讓整個標題更貼切我做這個作品的目的,一些關於"我"的事情。


Photo by SummerCraftingFun



Behind the scene(真心告白):

