2016年4月4日 星期一

Project Share / Another Flipbook Using Heidi Swapp September Sky Colllection & MHC#16

Hello, crafty friends, I hope you all had a great weekend. I've been addicted to making flipbooks lately, so I made another flipbook to share today featuring Heidi Swapp September Sky collection. I love this collection so much that I have to hoard both 12 inch and 6 inch paper stack, along with coordinating die-cut shapes, sticker, stamp set and color shine sprays. XD

In this project, I used mint, gold, gray and soft pink as my color scheme. I also followed Tmika's tutorial showing how to use 4 envelopes to make a base.

See how beautiful it is when mint and gold and glitter meet together.

On the fist page, I used MFT die to cut several letters from a glitter cardstock, stamped "Darling" from Amy Tangerine's stamp set and decorated the page with washi tape and die-cut shapes from September Sky collection. I made two extra pages between the 1st and 2nd page with a clear cardstock and journaling cards, decorating with some washi and glitter tape. 

The stickers on the right flip page are cut out from a washi tape designed by a Taiwan's company. So cute!

The 3rd and 4th page. They took me almost a whole day to decorate them. I was stuck by these two pattern paper. I love these two paper, but they just didn't go well together. After several tries and failed, finally I had to use a vellum cardstock to separate the busy floral pattern on the right. 

I made an envelope tucking some embellishments and page flags inside.

Honestly, I was exhausted decorating this page, so I kept it simple. XD.

I made a garland using glitter and gold foil washi tape. And them I stamped the cute little bunny with MFT stamp set, colored with color pencils and then used the coordinating die to cut it out.

In order to take this month's MHC challenge, I made a shaker tag using WRMK fuse tool and a page protector. Filling some sequins and decorating with some stickers and die-cuts, DONE!

Hope you like it! Thanks for stopping by.



在上一篇的貼文裡有提到flipbooks. 我趁著這幾天連假又做了第二本flipbook. 這一次使用了薄荷綠, 金色, 灰色和淡粉色作為整本flipbook的主色調。剛好魔力手作挑戰這個月的題目是搖搖卡,於是做了一張小卡呼應。

搖搖卡(shaker card / shaker tag)是用WRMK的魔法相片口袋工具組(fuse tool)和透明文件資料袋做的,如果妳/你剛好不知道甚麼是fuse tool, 可以搜尋一下youtube影片,這是一個必備的好工具!(這不是一篇勸敗文,這不是一篇勸敗文,這不是一篇勸敗文)

小卡上面的sweet是用kesi art的刀模切出來的,小鴨子和小熊則是市面上的書局買得到的貼紙。搭配在一起是不是超可愛的!!!! 大心。搖搖卡用迷你小木夾夾著,收到的人可以拿下來再利用。

封面是清爽的薄荷綠搭配金色,這整本小書的美編紙和許多圖卡都是來自Heidi Swapp的九月天空系列(September Sky),我非常喜歡這個系列,不論是紙本還是圖卡,甚至印章和主色調的噴瓶我都有買。Heidi家的噴瓶有細微的珠光,顏色非常漂亮,想購入噴瓶的人可以參考一下她的設計(這不是一篇勸敗文,這不是一篇勸敗文,這不是一篇勸敗文) 。happy是用mama elephant的刀模切出來的。(我已經寫不下去了怎麼辦?!)

這本flipbook其實有點難產,花了不少時間和心思來做,除了花時間自己做小配件之外,主要是因為我選的美編紙放錯順序,導致第3頁和第4頁的花色衝突,在做好了拆掉,拆了又做之後,最後決定加入水晶卡來區隔,幸好最終出來的成品還可以,不然這本得被我丟在一邊等待哪天回收利用了   囧



這就是讓我苦思冥想了一天的第3頁第4頁。沒想到水玉和花卉竟然這麼不合群,完全不聽我指揮,明明應該是絕配啊..... 最後我不得不當拆散人家姻緣的劊子手,拿張水晶卡把兩頁分開,於是我又多了兩頁要裝飾........

這一頁除了搖搖卡之外,我最喜歡的就是小兔子了。印章和刀模是來自My Favorite Things(MFT),為了要展現出水彩的效果,我用油性鉛筆上色。是的,客倌你沒看錯,是油性鉛筆,不是水彩。淺色水印印台蓋印之後先用水筆沾水沿著圖案邊緣抹一圈,淡化圖案的線條,然後挑幾個顏色柔和的油性鉛筆上色。




